International Champagne Horse Registry

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PO Box 4430
Paso Robles, CA 93447-4430

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##### ARABIAN BRED #####
Rancho No Robles
Sakinah Arabians
Schemel Stables
Unique Stallions
##### QH, STOCK, PAINT, APP #####
ChamPaint Equine
Clearwater Ranch
Danielson Quarter Horses
Estock Farms
EvenSong Paints
Flyin' Fox Ranch
Grizzly Ridge Performance Horses
Hidden Rock Ranch
HN  RockinHorse Ranch
JMJ Stables
L Bar 7 Ranch
Leyh Quarters
Prairie Pond Acres
Rancho No Robles
Rising Moon Ranch
Silver Quarter Horses
Still Seeing Spots
Twin Creek Stallion Station
Yellow House Ranch
Camelot Wilderness Ranch
Cante Winds Farm
E/T Foxtrotters
Five Hills Farm
J N K Reproductions
Lazy Acres Farm
Legacy Spotted Walkers
MO Foxtrotters
Mountain Gait Horses
Rancho Tres Estrellas
Rockin B Walkers
Shasta View F/T
Walking Proud Farms
Zorro Farms
Greenstone Farm
Solo Song Sporthorses
Adorme Miniature Horses
Almighty Miniature Horses
Cranage Miniature Horses
Dos Palmas
Hilliard Horses to Hug
Our Farm
Platinum Stables Minis
Quarter Moon Farm
Seldom Creek Sport Ponies
Seminole Wind Acres
Sugarfoot Stud
Three Arrows Stables

ICHR is not, and never was, connected with
any other Champagne organization.
Web & Graphics Design copyright © 2015
by Barbara A Kostelnik (see )
Please remember that all graphics and text on this site, as on all of the WWW, are automatically copyrighted,  including the exhaustive
pedigree and color research 
that our president, Carolyn Shepard, has done.
If you'd like to use something from this site, 
please email us for permission.

Emailing ICHR:  Horse color questions will not be answered without the horse's breed and registered name, if any.  Due to the extensive research conducted by the ICHR, we are usually able to determine if a horse has champagne in its pedigree by recognizing the names of ancestors we have determined were champagne,
listed in the right column of each
entry in our
stud book.
ASK about "grade" horses,  please.

Please email the Webmaster, and INCLUDE THE SPECIFIC PAGE'S URL,
 about web site problems, changes requested,
or comments regarding the web site and its design.