Sorry, the old form to submit a stud service ad for an
ICHR registered champagne stallion no longer works. until we get the
new format form online, you can print this one (below),
fill it in, and mail it to us. You can include a check or money order with
it, or you can use PayPal.
To use PayPal, click here.
To list your stallion for stud service on the International Champagne Horse Registry
site, simply fill out this form and print it out and mail it to the address at
the bottom of this page along with your fee (if any). Ads include one
color photo & a web page listing (if you have one).
To pay using PayPal:
ICHR expects advertisers to hold to a code of conduct and disclosure.
Breed-appropriate testing for genetic lethal or other genetic defect should be
performed, and the results included in your stallion listing with ICHR - whether
in printed or web form. These tests include but are not limited to: OLW
(frame overo), HYPP, HERDA, GBED, JEB, SCID, or as appropriate for your breed of
ICHR: Horse color
questions will not be answered
without the horse's breed and registered
name, if any.
Due to the extensive research conducted by the ICHR,
we are usually able to determine if a horse has
champagne in its pedigree by recognizing the names
of ancestors we have determined were champagne,
listed in the right column of each
entry in our
stud book. ASK about
"grade" horses, please.
Please email
about web site problems, changes requested,
or comments regarding the web site and its